Monday, May 30, 2016

Charity Never Faileth...and it's also the bomb diggety. :)

Hey, team! I realized as I awoke yesterday to run off to a glorious Zone Conference that I never gave you the requisite p-day switch warning- happy Tuesday pday, haha! I'm the worst! But alas, it's been a really good week, super crazy all around- we ate the weirdest food and had the weirdest days and it was all pretty beautiful- I'll tell you all about it soon enough! I just love being a missionary, my friends! And, with another Zone Conference under my belt and another General Authority visit to brag about the rest of eternity (Elder Martino for the winnnn!!! ), I feel highly more capable of doing this crazy thing expected of me. Baptisms are a coming- it's inevitable!! Although it's a weird Tuesday email time and I'll save the deets of yesterday for our next week chat, I've gotta give you a little sneak peek- for Zone Conference prep, we studied up on charity...and it has changed EVERYTHING!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!  I obvs love my mission tons and love the people I serve, but I don't have that pure Christlike love for them...because that's something you have to continually pray for and develop! But, this week, I've been praying for it like a mad man and LIFE IS SO MUCH SWEETER, MY FRIENDS. AHHHH. Disappointments don't sting as much, beautiful lessons are even more profound, and the work I'm doing matters more because I'm motivated by my love for the Savior. I'm telling ya- everyone needs to pray for charity!! It makes every ounce of difference in LIFFFFFFFFE!!!!!

Oh man, I should probs also tell you about my week...I'm just so exicted about charity, haha!! It's truly the greatest thing of all time...and the ultimate act of charity is the Atonement! SO, as we access the power of the Atonement through obedience to the commandments and living the gospel, we experience the pure love of Christ...and have a desire to share that with everyone! And then everything is just better!

Okay, I promise I'm done for a sec, haha. So much charity in my heart to pour out to your computer screen!! But, let me also tell you about our crazy week.. We kicked it off with a glorious pday, full of shopping and running random errands and eating lunch with Sis. Disher and chilling at the church with the Fargo crew...and eating dinner with Sis. Dresser!! It was so sweet! We ate pizza and chatted with good ol' Craig about life and was a total party. Sis. Dresser had to run off to a hair emergency (like you do when you're a hair dresser) and we were mildly abandoned with Craig and Braydn...but it ended up being really great! Craig is just the best! He loves his family so much, and really just wants our BFF Sis. Dresser to be happy- such a good seed! After our prolonged convo with the Dresser clan, we tried some potentials and tracted a bit before calling it a day- successful Monday!

And then, it was time for Tuesday. We started off my BLADINNNNNNG away for exercises, during which we met our first blading potential- whatta dream!!! His name is Tyler, and he's actually a professional hockey player...and he totes complimented our blading abilities! He's the best! We've run into him a couple more times since then and have an ultimate end goal of baptizing him, of course...I'll keep you updated!

After our glorious blading times and study times, we ran off to help Sis. Bighetty unpack- total party! She also fed us a fancy pot roast lunch, complete with brownies and Nesquick...she's a total Fargo fave!! I love her so much! She also loves us, just because we're missionaries and we love her- eternal besties!!  We shared the Plan of Salvation while eating gooey and delish brownies, and it was just the coolest- Sis. Bighetty is the DREAMMM!!
Sister Bighetty!

We taught Sis. Moore following our most beautiful lunch date, and it was also the sweetest- I just adore Sis. Moore!! We chatted about the Holy Ghost and personal revelation, and she also asked us some questions about D&C...because she casually finished it, no big deal. She's the coooolest!!!!  I love that Sis. Moore of ours so much!!

We went on an epic less active hunt after that, and found lots of people that aren't so interested...and a super sweet lady that is, yahooooo!! It's always funny to me that one good thing as a missionary makes everything else okay- we're just the most optimistic of all people! Somehow, meeting the crazy cool Lyssandra made an afternoon of unfruitful less active searching fruitful- there's goodness to be found in everyday!!

We tried some potentials (including Mario, the mildly adorable man from Croatia who actually isn't interested...tragedy!) after that and then ate some dinner before visiting Sis. Billings- partay! I love her so much! We stopped by Bro. Daudier and chatted about baptism for a sec (our main homie is SO close, AHHHH!!!) and also stopped by Sis. Juliana and taught her the gospel- such a good Tuesday night!! Juliana made us drink oodles of peach mango juice (and has the precious habit of calling us "baby" all the time- it makes my heart melt, AHHHH!! How I love African women!!) and told us about her concern of being baptized tiwcie- she feels like it makes me first baptism seems like she didn't have enough faith. We committed her to pray about it...AND (spoiler alert, haha) WHEN WE CAME BY ON SATURDAY, SHE TOTALLY HAD, AHHHHH!!!! SHE'S THE BESTTTTT!!! She told us that answers from God take time, like you do when you an incredibly wise lady from Ghana, and that she knows she needs to keep meeting with us until she gets her answer. I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!! It's the craziest, because she fell off the face of the earth when I first got to Fargo and we thought we were going to drop her...BUT SHE'S BACK AND AHHHH, my heart is just so full. Tender mercies of the LORRRRRD!! (Or, as my fave Sis. Clarck says, tm. I adore her!!!)
We love Juliana!! 

Ah, Juliana. She's the best!! But anyway, haha, Wednesday was another crazy day- the highlight of it all was the time we randomly felt like we should try Sis. Koon after a morning of trying the masses and taking a media hour...and she 110% prayed us there. Whatta pro!!! She got a new mattress and wasn't sure how to move it into her bedroom, so she had been praying all morning for help...WHEN WE SHOW UP, AHHHH!! Prayer is so real!! We helped her move the mattress (and move the old one to her garage- total pros over here!) and taught her about the Ten Commandments...and THEN, she gave us a Tupperware full of CHICKEN FEET AS A TOKEN OF HER GRATITUDE. AHHHHHH!!!!  I had every intention of just never eating it, haha, but Sis. Clark is a better person than I am and made us eat some for dinner...and it was actually surprisingly delish. We may have also gotten some blizzards to wash it down with, so that helped the situation...BUTTTT, I totally ate CHICKEN FEET and it wasn't entirely unpleasant! Sis. Clark photographed the whole experience for your entertainment, don't even worry. Such a dream!!
Cookin' away...
The finished project. :0

We also visited Sis. Dresser on Wednesday (again, after trying the masses unsuccessfully)...IN HER SALLLLON!!! It was so sweet, man oh man! I love that Sis. Dresser of ours! She was totally cutting away someone's hair when we stopped by, but she introduced us and we chatted with her about the gospel- SIS DRESSER IS THE COOLEST PERSON EVER!!!! Seriously who I want to be when I grow up!!

Thursday was such a crazy day- and it all started with an early morning (but post-studies, don't worry) lumber hauling service project- such a party!! We weekly planned away after that, during which I got a letter from the elusive Sis. Finlinson and we tried our best to maintain focus...not a fave, still. Haha. BUTTT, we ran off midway through the endeavor of weekly planning and ate lunch with Sis. White and Sis. Richards and helped them set up their family history accounts...and then went back to planning. Gotta love Thursday!!

Once planning came to an end and we ate some dinner, we ran off to the church to teach our fave, SISSSSSSTER LIEN!!! AHHHHH!!!  Sis. Zollinger came along and IT WAS MAGICALLLL, man oh man! We taught her about following the prophet and priesthood and auxiliaries, and Bro. Claypool randomly stopped by midway through the lesson and shared his conversion- THE COOOOOLEST!!! The Spirit was just so strong, and Sis. Lien went straight from our lesson to the Relief Society indexing activity- she's just the BESTTT!!! We weren't able to go with her, and I was super nervous the rest of the night as we tried our peeps and planned away...but it was so perfect. She's just the greatest, and I love her with all the energy of my SOULLL- I adore that Sis. Lien of ours!!

We also, upon our return to homebase on Thursday night, got a random call from an unknown number...that happened to be an RM with a referral for us! THE DREAMMMM!!! Good things are coming on that front- her name is Kalli and she lives just outside of Fargo...I'll keep you updated!!! Such a tender mercy!

We exchanged away with Detroit Lakes on Friday and I hung with my dear comp of months past Sis. Luker- it was such a party!!! I love her so much!!  Reunited and it felt so GOOOOD!!! We chilled so hard and chatted while tracting and trying away- she's just the greatest!! It was so fun to serve with her again! It's amazing how much we've both changed in just two months...she's a new woman!
The best!

AND, on Saturday, we had interviews with our dear Pres. Hess- I love that mission president of ours SO DANG MUCH, man oh man!!! He's just the greatest!! We saw him oodles these past couple of days, with interviews and Stake Conference and Zone Conference...and Sis. Clark and I have officially decided that he and Sis. Hess should move to Fargo and just constantly hang with us. They're my favorite people of all time!

Oh man, Saturday was another crazy day. We taught Sis. Koon once more, this time reading Alma 36 with her and reviewing the Ten Commandments...and get the exclusive Sunday dinner invite, holllllllah!!!  When we went on Sunday, she fed us the spiciest mystery meat known to man- and we ate the whole huge plate! I thought I was going to die, but I care about maintaining our friendship with Sis. Koon too completely...the sacrifices you make, haha!  I think we're officially besties with our dear Sis. Koon- I love her so much!!
Love her! 

We also saw the dear Bro. Daudier on Saturday- we were going to see him on Thursday but he got super sick and was still not feeling too hot on tragedy. We shared Phillipians 4:13 with him and told him to get better by relying on the Atonement, haha. The best!

AND ALSOOOO, Sister Lien totes came to church on Sunday for Stake Conference- SHE'S THE DREAMMMM!!!!  Elder Martino, my new hero, came up to her and shook her hand and told her his conversion story- AHHHHH!!! AH AH AH AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! GOOOOODNESS, he's the best. He also casually asked her if she has a baptismal date yet, and I JUST LOVE HIM SO MUCH. Stay tuned for all the Zone Conference deets- it was truly a glorious and mind-boggling time!!

Oh man, such a crazy week! So much to email about! I'm officially pooped, haha! But, I love you all so much, and I am so grateful for each of you- thank you for being so amazing! Have the most beautiful of all weeks! I love you the most- as much as Sis. Koon chicken feet, haha!!


Sister Robinson

A rogue Mystery Machine!! 

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