Sunday, September 18, 2016

A Fullness of Grand Forks Joy

Oh man OH MAAAAAAN, it has been another lovely week in the land of Grand Forks- life is just beautiful!! We're experiencing miracles and understanding the Atonement and teaching the coolest people ever...I am so perfectly content. The gospel is true, my dear friends! As we live the teaching of Jesus Christ, we are able to be truly happy in every circumstance. We are able to experience a fullness of joy!!  No matter what is going on in our lives, no matter how dark our days seems, the Atonement of Jesus Christ allows us to be happy. To know our purpose. To push fear and self doubt and inadequacy outta our life for good. I'm still trying to understand it all, but I do know that my personal conversion is what allows me to continue pressing forward in this great work I'm about- it's hard but beautiful! I'm happy despite all the hard moments!! 

And also, special shoutout to the September Ensign for contributing to my stupid amounts of happiness as of late- everyone needs to read that puppy! It's the greatest thing ever! I've been studying away in the Book of Mormon, of course, and pouring over the Ensign during every spare moment...I highly recommend it. It'll change your life, my peeps!! 

Alright, let's do this thing.  We kicked off this gorgeous week with the regular p-day sheninghans, full of emailing and grocery shopping and watching "Once I was a Beehive" at the church...on the foyer couch we dragged into the Relief Society room, haha. The best!! We dined with Sherah, our fave, following our day of adventuring, and headed out to take on the world- and teach two glorious pday lessons, yahoooooo!!!

We started at Rodeen's, the love of my young life- it was the greatest!! We just stopped by to see how she liked church...and she told us that she wants to be baptized, AHHHHHH!!!! We answered some of her questions about the process, explaining that we've got five lessons to teach and weekly visits to set up, and that we would love to help her in the process- goodness, Rodeen is the greatest woman I know!!!! We got a return appointment for Wednesday and chatted a bit about church and personal was just the best. I adore Rodeen so completely!!

We also contacted at the park a bit to finish up or Monday...and we met a mildly unpleasant Baptist lady who invited us to come to church with her, man oh man. We were able to testify of the Savior, though, and explain that Mormons do believe in Christ- it ended up being pretty cool, haha! 

And then, it was Tuesday. We started off with studies and calls and then ran off to lunch at Dairy Queen with Elder Madsen and Elder Frisby- one last lunch date before Elder Frisby goes off to Poplar, Montana! He's the best!! We swapped crazy stories, chatted about Rodeen for a sec, and generally rejoiced in the goodness of missionary work- it's the best!! 
Love them!

We took a media hour, chatted with our dear bestie Sis. Buttars (a too cool RM who I just adore) about some referrals she gave us, and contacted at the mall for a season...and met a super attractive potential, haha. He's name is Josh, and we're praying he lives in the Elders's area- I can't handle that! So much sweat and word stumbling!!  We taught him about the Book of Mormon and got his phone number...but he's a student at UND and life is kind of crazy right now. It was sweet!!

We tried our peeps, ate some food, and met a rogue less active named Robert as we went around town- it was pretty awesome. We finished up at night by contacting away and giving out a Book of Mormon- it's the little things! 

On Wednesday, we got up bright and early (or just at the normal time, haha), studied away, and ran off to help the Streges move- such a party! We loaded up their UHaul (and marvelled at how good Bro. Smith is at loading UHauls, man oh man), ate some pizza, and ran off to baptize the world...such a good morning! 

And THEN, we taught Travis and it was just the greatest. I love that hooligan!! We taught the Word of Wisdom and Law of Chastity, intense but beauitful, and Dale testified like a pro was lovely!!  We're teaching the best people ever!! 

We taught the beloved Rodeen right after Travis...and casually crossed paths with my Fargo fave, Sister Bighetty- love her so much!! She was in town for the day, so she gave us some coupons for free Frosties and we hugged for a sec- she's the best!! 

But anyway, haha, we went over the Restoration with our dear Rodeen and chatted about reading the Book of Mormon- her mind is sorta blown by the concept of receiving personal revelation and acting on it. And she's already receiving it!! So cool to be a missionary, man oh man. It's my fave! We talked a lot about baptism, and she's just the best. I really feel like we're going to see that lovely lady baptized- all my dreams are coming true! 

We contacted for a season at the park after all that loveliness, chatted with our main man Dale, ate some dinner, and read the Book of Mormon with Harry- such a good day! We finished up our Wednesday by teaching the too cool Jackie Berry, the girlfriend of a, it was perfection!! Jackie's 17 and pretty much the coolest person around- I adore her! We reviewed the Restoration, taught the Plan of Salvation, and found out that she wants to be baptized...YAHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!  Love her!! Everyone around here wants to get baptized these days- it's the best!! 

On Thursday, we weekly planned for a season and met a Pakistani man named Shamoo at the mall (yeah, like the whale. It was pretty awesome.)...and taught our main man Chalis in the evening times with Sherah! It was lovely!! Chalis is just the best- coolest less active I know. Love him! We taught the Plan of Salvation but he really taught was such perfection. Chalis is the cooooooolest!! 

We also taught Ed on Thursday, a potential we've been trying to get in with for eons- it was awesome! We went over the Restoration and left him with a Plan of Salvation pamphlet to read over...and then, we hightailed it to ward coorelation. Such a good Thursday!!

And then it was Friday!! Promptly after studies, we ran off to teach Pat, who we met hanging ten outside the Travelodge a few days ago- it was awesome! We chatted about the Restoration and she grabbed that Book of Mormon outta my hands- she's so prepared!! I adore Pat!!  Such a perfect way to start the day!

We had district meeting after that, ate some lunch, and then headed over to the mall to do some contacting- it was sweet! We wandered for a sec and were about to leave...when this random preacher man starts waving his Bible at us on our way out and we realized that we're about to be outdone- no way Jose!  So, we strutted back in there and taught a sweet Catholic man named Tom and few others- it was sweet! 

We ate some dinner after that adventure, haha, and taught Henry afterwards about the Law of Chastity and the Word of Wisdom- love that man!! We decided together to push his date back to Sept. 17, just to make sure he's prepared and all's going to be awesome! He's so ready!! 

We ended our Friday by teaching Tanisha, one of Sherah's neighbor's- it was sweet! We chatted about church and the Atonement, and she committed to come on Sunday- and she totally did!! Hallelujah!!!!  Nothing makes me happier than people keeping their commitments, I'm telling ya! It's the greatest thing ever!! 
or at least tied for the greatest thing with Sherah. Hehe. :)

We started our Saturday off by teaching our dear Teddy and Almaz- the bestttttt!!!! Bro. Malopo came along, and it was just perfection. Bro. Malopo testified like a pro and answered Teddy's questions so perfectly- exactly who we needed, man oh man!! We taught the Restoration, and Teddy agreed with everything, committed to pray and read from the Book of Mormon, and scheduled another appointment for next Saturday- it was the coooooolest!! I'm absolutely convinced that having Bro. Malopo there made all the difference- he's just the best! He's coming again next weekend, and it's going to be so lovely. Teddy and Almaz are the greatest! We're the luckiest missionaries in all the world!!! 

We also taught Travis on Saturday, our fave, about the Sabbath day and baptism...AND HE COMMITTED TO BE BAPTIZED ON OCTOBER 8, AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I am SO JAZZZZZZZZZZZED!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!! Travis is just the best, and he's so ready for the gospel- love him!! He committed to come on Sunday but ended up sleeping late...BUT, he was super remorseful  and repentant about it- next week for sure! He's the best!! 

We finished up our Saturday by visiting Joe, our BFF- love him! We got to take him on a walk, such a party, and we chatted with his brother Rollie for a sec about tamales and tacos- he's going to teach us how to cook one day, yahoooooo!! It was such a lovely time!
We love Joe! :)

And then, it was Sunday! Such a delightful Sabbath!! All our people came to church and we asat by Rodeen, the was pure perfection all around. Grand Forks is the greatest place!! We also taught Henry yesterday, just read the Book of Mormon with that lovely bestie of ours- such a beautiful day! Such a beautiful week!! 

I love you all so much, and I am so grateful for all you do- thank you for being so awesome! Have the greatest week!!


Sister Robinson

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