Friday, March 18, 2016

A Week of Beulah-ful Goodbyes and Fargo Hellos (so much cheese)

Hello, my dear friends and family! Today we are emailing away from a super fancy library in downtown Fargo- we're definitely not in Beulah anymore, haha! But alas, even though I'm a total fish outta water and life is suddenly uncomfortable again, I'm loving Fargo! Life remains beautiful and this work remains important, even in a crazy huge city! FARGO IS SO BIG!

Okay, let's start with the basics. My new address is 5031 44th Ave S #207, Fargo, ND 58104. We live in the suburbs of Fargo, in a community called Osgood...and it reminds me so much of Renton that it's almost ridiculous. I thought it would be crazy different and huge and overwhelming, but we cover all the adorable outskirts cities and it still feels a lot like serving in Beulah, which is nice. Every once in a while we have to drive into the actual city of Fargo though...and my head feels a little like it's going to explode, haha. Not in Beulah anymore! But, I'm really loving it. Most of the work we do is in apartment buildings, which is crazy cool and totally different than anything I've ever done before, so it's growth all around- I'm jazzed! And also, my new comp Sis. Broberg is greatest around- I'm already totally in love! She's from California (actually from Carlsbad, CA- shoutout to my fave sister missionary of all time, Liberty!!) and is the sweetest person I've ever met- I'm trying to just soak it all up and learn all I can from her!
Sis. Broberg and I (looking especially tired after a super long day)    

Hmmm...what else should I intro about? Life is still totally beautiful and I am truly so happy to be here- being a missionary remains the greatest thing ever! Oh, the ward out here is amazzzzzing! I'm in Fargo 2nd, with two other sets of Elders (which is like, the weirdest thing ever...I'm quickly becoming besties with the Elders we serve with and it's wigging me out), and the members are crazily involved in missionary work- I love it! I've only met a handful so far, but I love 'em already- I don't think Fargo even knows how to handle the unparalleled amounts of Sis. Robinson love coming their way, haha!

But anyway, on with the weekly report! We chatted last Monday (which feels like a lifetime ago, right? Maybe not, haha), and we also did the usual Beulah wandering around and thrifting. I had to keep telling myself that this is it, that I've gotta buy all the stupid things...but I ended up having crazy amounts of self control- huzzzzah!! It was a blissful time. I did buy more stamps, in case anyone was wondering, so that was good. We stopped by Sis. Schellenberg amidst the crazy pday errand running to say goodbye, which was a beautiful time, and I totes got a beautiful package of peanut butter from Aunt Lithia- such a dreamboat!!  I love that crazy cat!
Sis. Schellenberg and I (saying goodbye/being adorable) 

We ate at my dear Rice's, and the Thuesons came over as all- goodbyes for days! I love and will miss both those beautiful fams- they've definitely become eternal besties and family away from home. I, throughout the goodbye extravaganza that was my last few days in Beulah, kept feeling so totally grateful for the opportunity  to start my mission in Beulah- such a Beulah-ful place! I seriously can't believe I haven't been using that for these last seven months, haha. I feel like such a failure.
me and the Thuesons    
me and my dear Rices    

But anyway, beautiful (Beulah-ful?) times at the Rices. I adore them! We ate chicken pot pie and better than anything cake, and it was just perfection. We sprinted over to the Roger's after dinner to say goodbye to them, and called it a night after that. Beautiful Monday!

Tuesday was crazily busy- yahoo for cranking out missionary work even during transfers! We kicked off our day with a gorgeous Gayle visit (who oh so tenderly signed my bye bye book and it was a blissful time) and, from there, sprinted over to the Dunkley's. We said (or I, I guess) said goodbye to that sweet fam and ran over to the Istilart's to eat lunch. Crazy morning!
Gayle and I    

We ran over to Hazen after that, where we taught/goodbye'd with Scott and said goodbye to the Wielands...basically, I hate hate hate hate HATE goodbyes. At least I know that these Beulah-ful people will be a part of my life forever and ever....even if they don't want to, haha. They're stuck with me! I truly adore those Wielands of mine, and I know that they are part of the reason I served in Beulah- I just love them so much!

and my sweet Wielands- how I love them!

We dined with the Cline's and had a crazy town but amazing Bro. Wasem lesson after dinner- yahoo for transfer week miracles! We chatted about the Holy Ghost and committed him to watch Patterns of Light- yahoo yahoooooo!! It was such a sweet lesson, and it was so perfect to see that awesome man one last time before peacing out for good.

We ended the night at the Nottingham's, where we goodbye'd like pros and shared a quick message with their fam, so sweet. We ran it back to homebase...and TTTTOTALLY ran into Tony, huzzah! Whatta tender mercy! We shared a quick scripture and prayed away with that wonderful man- such a dream!!

Wednesday was generally super sad, man oh man. There was a total air of melancholy about and my heart was super weepy through it all-- I totally didn't feel ready to leave! We found out Wednesday morning that we had to drop me off at Dickinson Thursday at 9:45 am...and my heart was extra broken because I was expecting at least a little Thursday time. But alas, we had one last magical Beulah day together, so it all worked out...even if it was a little sad.

We kicked it off with a Sister Stillson visit, where we had to explain a few times that I was leaving for good and not just taking a trip- it was tragic! I love that lady so much! I feel so grateful that I was able to meet that spunky 94 year old, man oh man. What a dream!

We lunched with Sister Humpherys at Subway, and it was a blissful time. Cutest fam ever! We went to Ashley after lunch and had a super quick visit with her, and then ran off to Hazen to see Bobby...which was totally cray. TOTALLLLY cray.

We taught about the Book of Mormon and chatted about transfers...and his response was to give me a butterfly necklace "for my journeys" and an awkward side hug- at least we know that I somehow made him love me, haha! It was a sweet lesson, even if it was crazy town. He's such a good man- thank goodness I was able to meet him!

We stopped by Tiffany's and said hello for a spell before running off to see Bro. Lee- goodness gracious, I adore that sweet man! We read Mosiah 4 with him and did the whole goodbye bit, and my heart was so sad that I wouldn't be forever able to hang with that beautiful family. I am just so beyond grateful for the time I was able to serve in Beulah, because it taught me to love everyone and truly foster lasting friendships. I don't know who I would be without families like the Lees and the Rices and the Thuesons and the Roundys and the Wielands everyone else in that amazing place, and I am so grateful that I don't have to know. I have truly become better because of Beulah, and I totttttally know that being in Beulah prepared me for the work I'm now doing in Fargo. I've been so blessed!

We met Becky after our blissful Lee times, and said goodbye to her and the boys- it was so good to see them! I love that transfers let you see the people you haven't in forever, and that you get to re-establish that love and friendship right before leaving. It's just the best! In a crazy way, I adore transfers for that reason alone, haha!
me and the Moorheads (Becky and co)    

We dined with the Johnsons on Wednesday night, and it was truly the greatest end to a Beulah-ful seven months of dinner appointments. We ate chicken pot pie and played Uno Attack and goodbye'd hardcore- I am so grateful to add their names to my long list of eternal besties! Thank goodness for the Johnsons! I am totally harassing them and everyone else in Beulah with oodles of mail- ye be warned!

us and the Johnson girls (I love them!) 
We ended our night with my dearest Roundy clan and strawberry cheesecake- everyone should peace outta their first areas with a tsunami of goodbyes and a final farewell of strawberry cheesecake, haha! It was pure perfection, and I will forever adore the Roundy clan- I'm sure that Sis. Broberg is already totally sick of hearing about them, haha. There's just a lot of love in my heart! I can't help it!

AND THEN, it was Thursday, man oh man. We woke up and I finished packing (which remains the most stressful thing of my life thus far- I have so much random stuff, lol) and we ran off to Dickinson...all the while trying not to puke out of nervousness. I just couldn't believe that time flew by so fast, and that it was already time to peace outta Beulah-- AHHHHH!! I didn't realize, though, that the ride to Fargo is pretty much an eternity, so I had ample time to come to terms with my new life whilst riding the transfer train. It was wonderful! I got to hang with the Assistants and a carful of rogue Elders (yup, I totes lone wolfed it and it was the weirdest thing of life) all the way from Bismarck to Fargo, and it was a totally party. I journaled away and freaked out a tad and sang along to Nashville Tribute...and then suddenly, we were in Fargo and my new life begun. Dun dun dun....!

But really, Fargo isn't nearly as scary as my head made it out to be, which is good. We spent Thursday night getting to know each other better and tracting a tad and unpacking...and feeling minorly overwhelmed by the newness of everything. Butttt, our apartment is totally luxorious- it even has laundry machines!!!  And life truly is blissful out here. Just a few days in and I'm already getting the hang of it!

Friday was great, man oh man. We kicked it off by doing some grocery shopping and tracting for a spell before heading over to Moorhead to eat lunch with the Moorhead (Sis. Richins and Sis. Haubner) and Detriot Lakes (Sis. Baadsgaard and Sis. Harrington) sisters- such a party! We all have district meeting on Friday, so we meet up for lunch and party hard every Friday, and it was so fun! I love that I get to be friends with other missionaries- it's the dream! We ate pizza and got to know each other better and chatted about our areas- I am so jazzed to be serving with them!

District meeting was a party, too- our district is us, the Zone Leaders (Elder Jarman and Elder Adair), and the other set of Elders (Elder Brush and Elder Swenson)- so much Zone leadership, AHHHHH!! It's a high stress district, and I think all of us being there kinda stresses out Elder Swenson, haha. Good thing I have no idea what I'm actually doing, lol!

We weekly planned for a spell after district meeting and ran by Sis. Tokpowhiea, a less active member, afterwards- it was sweet! We taught Plan of Salvation and committed her to pray, and I'm already loving the people here. Everyone is from Ghana or Liberia or even Haiti, and they make us all kinds of crazy I'm told! It's a whole new world!

We saw Sis. Johnson after that, another less active, and ate some blueberry waffles for dinner while doing some more weekly planning- successful Friday!

Saturday was crazy town- we met my first new investigator!! His name is Brother Daudier, and he's from Haiti- so cool! We taught him again on Sunday and brought Sis. Roberts, and it was sweet. He's super prepared, and I am so jazzed to teach him- stay tuned for more!!

We also met eons of members on Saturday- Sis. Robideau, Bishop Cook and his fam, Sis. Koon, Sis, Moore, and the Pridgeons- it was a great day! Everyone seems amazing, and I am super excited to be working with them! We actually went out to dinner with the Pridgeons to Viet Palace, which was a totally party. They're a super sweet couple, so humble and Christ-like- turns out, there are amazing people everywhere! I should've guessed it!   

The highlight of our Sunday was beautiful Church times (of course) and meeting Bro. Claypool- I'm obsssssssessed!! We actually ate dinner with him and the Elders and it was such a blissful time- he's the best! He joined the church about eight months ago in Dickinson and now teaches the Gospel Principles class in the ward- he's the coolest!! We're totally destined to be besties, I can already feel it. We also met with Elder Jarman and Elder Adair to plan ZTM next Friday and generally ran into all the Elders- it was so fun! Turns out, I totally love serving with other missionaries- it makes for a constant party! It's basically an extension of trio life, expect less all the time, haha.

Truly, I just love the Fargo life. I found out that the only Chipotle in the mish is in our area, and my heart has never been more full (or my MSF more empty, haha)! What a blessed place to serve!

I love you all so much! I am so grateful for the example you are to me of love and diligence- thank you for making me better!! I adore you- have the most Beulah-ful week!!


Sister Robinson

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